Ce ai prefera: -Sã cunosti ziua în care vei muri SAU -Sã stii cum vei muri
Acest joc iti va pune o multime de intrebari destul de complicate. Esti gata sa raspunzi?
E foarte simplu de jucat. Citeste cele 2 intrebari si alege una. Alegerea va fi dificila cu siguranta. Dupa ce vei alege, vei vedea cite procente din jucatori impartasesc acelasi raspuns ca si tine.
Voi aduce nivele noi cel putin 1 in fiecare 1-2 luni.
What would you prefer: - Know the day you will die OR - Know how you will die
This game will ask you a lot of pretty complicated questions. Are you ready to answer?
It's very simple to play. Read the 2 questions and choose one. The choice will certainly be difficult. Once you choose, you will see how many percent of players share the same answer as you.
I will bring new levels at least 1 every 1-2 months.